What are Cannabinoids?


The plant, cannabis Sativa consists of 480 different compounds, and from those 480 different compounds, only 66 are termed cannabinoids. But what are cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are compounds, naturally occurring in nature and are found in the plant Cannabis Sativa.

Two Major Components of Cannabinoids

Cannabis is composed of over 20 compounds, commonly known as cannabinoids. There is still controversy about cannabinoids' functions, but two major cannabinoids have been identified as having certain functions.

Cannabidiol is the abbreviation for CBD. Non-psychoactive cannabidiol was previously known as CBD. Inflammation and pain are the main uses of this drug. Aside from treating anxiety, seizures, migraines, and nausea, it is also used to treat a variety of secondary conditions. Cannabidiol is still being researched to fully understand its potential uses.

In the cannabis industry, THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. Among the psychoactive compounds, it is the most important. In addition to its therapeutic and miscellaneous uses, it has a wide range of applications.

Different subclasses of Cannabinoids

 There are different classes of cannabinoids found. They are listed below

  • CBG abbreviated as Cannabigerol
  • CBC abbreviated as Cannabichromene
  • CBD abbreviated as Cannabidiol
  • THC abbreviated as Tetrahydrocannabinol
  • CBN abbreviated as Cannabinol
  • CBDL abbreviated as Cannabinodiol
  • CBL abbreviated as cannabicyclol
  • CBE abbreviated as cannabielsoin
  • CBT abbreviated as cannabitriol

Differences between different cannabinoids

The cannabinoids are differentiated based on their psychoactivity. For example, cannabigerol, cannabichromene, and cannabidiol are those agents which are psychologically active, whereas, tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinol, and cannabidiol are those agents which possess a varying psychoactive effects. However, the most abundant cannabinoid compound is cannabidiol which is fairly believed to have anti-depressive effects, mainly due to its psychoactive nature. 

The effects of Cannabinoids Compounds

Cannabinoids exert their consequences by interacting with particular receptors of cannabinoid present on the cell's surface. Those receptors are found in one-of-a-kind in CNS, abbreviated as the central nervous system, and the two core forms of cannabinoid receptors, namely cannabinoids 1 and cannabinoids 2. In the year 1992,  a substance called anandamide was discovered. This anandamide was formerly naturally occurring and binds to cannabinoid 1 in the brain.  This cannabinoid-like chemical and others that have been later found are known as endocannabinoids. The consequences of cannabinoids depend on the different areas of the brain involved. Consequences on the limbic system may additionally regulate memory, cognition, and psychomotor overall performance; outcomes on the mesolimbic pathway can also affect responses and pain perception can also be altered.

Cannabinoids core components

There are two main core components of cannabinoids, they are listed below

  • Endocannabinoids
  • Phytocannabinoids

The Endocannabinoids

Endocannabinoids are those compounds of cannabinoids that on demand, are produced by the body. However, it is quite different from the one found in plant cannabis and works by binding to specific receptors. Excluding human beings, some animals, as well as reptiles, also produce specific cannabinoids within the body. These endocannabinoids overall help in the homeostasis mechanism of the human body, for the body to regulate efficiently and effectively. Anandamide is the most common example of a cannabinoid compound.

The Phytocannabinoid

The phytocannabinoids are found in plant cannabis, These phytocannabinoids are responsible for the basic therapeutic effects within the human body. The working of phytocannabinoid is similar to that of endocannabinoids, that is, it binds to the specific receptors within the human body to produce the desired effect. There are two common phytocannabinoids, which are listed below

  • Cannabigerol
  • Cannabidiol
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol
  • Cannabinol
  • Cannabichromene

The medical importance of Cannabinoids compounds

Cannabinoids are the active compounds, found in plant marijuana. It has also gained some medical importance. The importance is listed below

  • Lessen tension
  • decrease inflammation and lessen aches
  • manipulate nausea and vomiting resulting from chemotherapy
  • kill most cancers cells and slow any tumor increase
  • loosen up tight muscle groups in human beings suffering from multiple sclerosis
  • stimulate appetite and enhance weight gain in people with most Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and cancers.

Cannabinoids and Food and Drug Administration Authority

According to the Food and Drug Administration authority, not even a single plant of cannabis is recommended for medical use or any sort of treatment. However, the Food and drug administration authority has approved the medical use of individual cannabinoids present in several drugs. Some are listed below

The most effective permitted one cannabis-derived product only, which is referred to as Epidiolex, and it's far best available by prescription. This approval covers the treatment of seizures in humans with intense kinds of epilepsy known as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and the Dravet syndrome

Marinol, as well as Syndros, which consists of dronabinol and Cesamet, which consists of, are approved by the Food and drug administration authority. Bother Dronabinol and nabilone are utilized in the treatment of nausea and vomiting occurred by the chemotherapy of cancer. However, Dronabinol is used in treatment for appetite loss and loss of weight in people suffering from it. Autoimmune deficiency syndrome or human immunodeficiency viruses.

The Addiction and abuse of Cannabinoids compounds

Cannabinoids are those drugs that that active agents specifically found in marijuana that has been synthetically evolved from the cannabis drugs. They're rapidly turning to legal practice,  protecting a capacity hassle for a rise in dependency for all ages.

Cannabinoids are legal?

Cannabinoids are legal, which are usually taken from hemp plants, and may be discovered in many markets across the country. But, those cannabinoids which are derived from the plant's marijuana are legal in very few states in the world, but the legality is increasing. It's far prescribed for its ability to:

  • alleviate pain
  • reduce tension and anxiety
  • stimulate the urge for food
  • control feelings of nausea and vomiting

Use of cannabinoids without the use of Marijuana

You can use cannabinoids without the use of marijuana. As it is very much possible to extract cannabinoids and other therapeutic cannabinoids, non-psychoactive, from the cannabis plants.

Without having a feeling of being high, you can use these cannabinoids compound without even a worry.

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